various thoughts
One is my dislike of the self-righteous attitude that the National League has in its steadfast refusal to utilize the DH. How can it be that every minor league in the US as well as the AL uses it but the sanctimonious National League refuses to on the grounds that they're either a) "old-school" or b) too pure? If National League pitchers could hit, then it would be one thing. However, most pitchers do not hit particularly well. There are a few exceptions, such as Micah Owings of the Arizona Diamondbacks. I would like to hear from both sides of town about this issue, White Sox and Cubs fans.
Two: A few weeks ago, Richie Sexson, a fading player for the Seattle Mariners, threw his batting helmet at the Texas Rangers pitcher and instigated a fight. He was suspended for five games. The Texas announcers ripped him roundly. To all Tex-ASS Rangers fans, let me say this:
Your team is in no position to give lectures on sportsmanship and winning. I will accept lectures from Red Sox and Yankees fans, but not rural Texas fans with pickup trucks.
Three: Speaking of the pot calling the kettle black, Dan McNeil of ESPN 1000 is in no position to lecture recently deposed talk show host Mark Madden of ESPN Radio in Pittsburgh. This guy McNeil was suspended for over two weeks last year for calling a Comcast Chicago female employee the B word (ask me offline what that word is) and in 2006, got into a major tussle with co-host Harry Teinewitz where both parties were suspended for a couple of weeks. No wonder ESPN 1000 likes DeFalco. Even if he doesn't have wide horizons, he stays out of trouble.