Friday, July 13, 2007

baseball musings and other things

Well the second half of the baseball season is under way and I have some thoughts.

1) The NL Central (aka Comedy Central) will be won with 84-88 wins. Therefore the Cubs need to trade or get rid of Jacque Jones and Cesar Izturis. If and when Kerry Wood comes back, great, if not we didn't lose anything. He does good charitable work, has this bowling event for charity next Sunday at 10pin lounge, next to Crunch, where I used to work out for three years. I predict that Wood and Prior will be with other organizations next year (and not on the South Side of Chicago either).

2) Seattle (city where I grew up) is playing well, 50-36 after last night's win over the mighty Tigers. I never would have said that four years ago, but that was before Mr. NL old-school manager saved the day, Jim Leyland.
However, the Mariners need a bat.
Here are ten guys that they can get.
1) Eric Hinske of Boston, former Rookie of the Year for Toronto
2) Jermaine Dye of Chicago, former all-star and World Series MVP.
3) Trot Nixon, Cleveland, member of 2004 Boston Red Sox Champs.
4) Lew Ford, Minnesota, cheap fourth outfielder.
5) Bobby Abreu, New York, former all star and homer derby champ in Philly.
6) Shannon Stewart, Oakland, all star in either Minny or Toronto.
7) Vernon Wells, Toronto.
8) Jacque Jones, Chicago, former Twin
9) Adam Dunn, Cincinnati, born to play in the AL, DH, Big Burly Slugger.
10) Aaron Rowand, Philadelphia, all star and member of 2005 Champs in Chicago.

I want either Dunn or Dye. Abreu would cost too much and he's high maintenance. Knowing Bavasi, he'll get Lew Ford or Rowand. Jeff and the Mariner bloggers from or USS Mariner or Mariner Housewife, who do you want?

On a Jewish subject, there was a nice dvar torah about what to make of one's summer break. There was a story where these Yeshiva guys (Talmudic students) went down to Miami from New York. On their way back, they stopped in Georgia and Virginia. They stopped in that city in a mall to daven (pray) mincha and went on their way. A few weeks later, the yeshiva got a call from that same city asking for some Yeshiva students to do Jewish outreach. Moral of the story: your deeds can have a positive effect on someone that you don't realize at the time of your mitzvah.

Shabat Shalom.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother Josh-Why not receive Yeshua, our Lord Jesus Christ as your Personal Saviour?

Call 1-888-Needhim to find out!

Your Dear Brother in Christ,

Messianic Rabbi Neal Wendrow

July 19, 2007 1:55 PM  
Blogger JMNOR55 said...

Dear Neil,

You are NOT WELCOME ON MY SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please cease and desist from using my site to propagate untruths and falsehoods on a Jewish-oriented site.

July 20, 2007 7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother Josh,

I only desire that you receive the truth that comes from knowing Yeshua. Today be filled and completed in your Judaism through the Lord Jesus Christ and know that He loves you and I do too.

Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Neal

July 20, 2007 1:32 PM  

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