Friday, February 29, 2008

social life dilemma illustrated

One of the reasons why I get annoyed or frustrated with the social life among the Orthodox people in West Rogers Park/Skokie can be illustrated by some events of this week. Recently, I found out that someone in Rogers Park was "single and available". A friend of mine back East was supposed to go out with her because he was coming to Chicago on business, but at the last minute, he was sent elsewhere and couldn't go out with her. He suggested that I try to go out with her. I contacted this young lady's brother to find out if she was available and it turns out that she is seeing someone.

The problem in this neighborhood that information is rarely shared and people don't communicate with each other. I have a few single friends but we don't always communicate about who's dating who and it makes me wish that I was in New York, specifically Washington Heights or the Upper West Side. Singles in the hood rarely shmooze with each other, especially at shuls or even at meals in the hood.

There are six unmarried women who I don't care for and respect. Obviously, the one I was referencing earlier is not part of that group. Well, I think that the singles here and I need to reconcile with each other or else it will be really rough.


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