Thursday, October 12, 2006

things happening

Well, Cory Lidle of the Yankees died in a plane crash yesterday crashing his plane or chopper into a building on the Upper East Side. That is extremely sad and may the family know no more sorrow.

Anyway, about Detroit, I don't think that a team that lost 119 games 3 years ago should have been allowed back into the major leagues as it showed a lack of character and determination which is characteristic of major league teams. Moreover, I feel that people like them because they're an eastern team that was good once (1984 and 1968). Most of the baseball establishment hates Oakland because of Billy Beane and Moneyball. I don't know what they think of Seattle, probably admire them to a degree because they're bland and boring. A bunch of nice boy scout role models are the Seahawks, Mariners and Sonics, won't tick any one off, be polite and courteous and lose without much of a fight (literally and figuratively).

Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah I will spend at Shaarei Tzedek because KINS and Mikor won't do it for me (as far as singles go).

I predict that St. Louis will win Sunday's game over Seattle 24-20.
No Alexander is a problem hopefully Branch and Stevens will catch some passes.

Chag Sameach.



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