Sunday, September 17, 2006

sports observations

1) Why does Fox 32 in Chicago insist on using Jill Carlson as the Bears sideline reporter? I don't get it. She isn't knowledgable about sports nor is she EXCEPTIONALLY pretty. She's an affirmative action hire which I as a mainstream middle class male frown upon.

If Fox needs to hire a woman, hire Julie Swieca formerly of the Score who is BETTER LOOKING and knows sports, probably better than any of the bozos currently at WSCR, a reject station that carries hockey games to fill night time air.

2) Joe Buck is not a good studio host. Jimmy Johnson (former Cowboy coach) and Terry Brashaw I could do without. It seems like the networks hire east coast know it alls or hayseeds from the South. Where are the Midwest and Western guys?


Blogger JMNOR55 said...

I do not know where Julie Swieca is. Have no clue, my point is that she is TEN TIMES BETTER than Jill Carlson, who's a poster person for affirmative action, which I oppose.

September 30, 2006 8:58 PM  

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