Tuesday, October 10, 2006

why I don't like Detroit

Detroit is a old guard northeastern industrial city that was big and good once but was reliant on American Cars to be successful.

Moreover, between some of the incidents involving the Pistons and their fans, that gives me another reason to root against them.

It wasn't like I was a big Yankee fan bleeding pinstripes like Mike Francesa as much as I was against Detroit. I would have rooted against the Yankees in the second round.
Many people dislike New York. I dislike Detroit.

I personally like the city of Baltimore. It's a nice city, on the east coast, close to New York and Washington.

Only Tiger I care for is Carlos Guillen.

With respect to the NFL and all of the Bear LOVE being tossed around. If they win the NFC and play Indianapolis I of COURSE will root for DA BEARSSSS!!! It's an obligation from Da Coach, Ditka!
I predict that Peyton Manning and his Colts WILL LOSE on November 5th on Sunday night football to Tom Brady and the Brilliant New England Patriots and their genius coach Bill Belichick. I openly DESPISE Prickly P and his goody two shoes Southern "charm". Sorry I grew up in the west and northeast and Prickly P doesn't fit my image of a great athlete.
He's the red state quarterback. What that means is that the states that the GOP and where George Bush won he is popular, such as Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi, he's the greatest thing since grits and sliced bread.

Now on to another team and athlete.

I don't necessarily like the Yankees but I don't hate them, unless they play Seattle.

However, I do think that their era of gliding to the World Series is over.

Torre may need to go, because he only has one year left which make him a lame duck and I doubt that George will extend him.

As for the Third Baseman, he and New York need to cut ties. He can't deliver in the playoffs for whatever reason. Let him go to Chicago, Los Angeles area or Cincinnati or somewhere else. Not enough A-Bombs for A-Rod in October.

Maybe Toronto would be good for him.


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