Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Big 10 why I won't watch

Last night there were two games on the radio. One was Illinois-Michigan and the other was Notre Dame-UConn. I chose Notre Dame-UConn on WMVP (aka ESPN 1000) because quite frankly I am sick of the Big 10 and their boring unathletic style of play. Notre Dame lost its fourth overtime game this year to UConn 75-74, but it was better than the Michigan win over Illinois.

I challenge Skip Myslenski and Terry Bannon of the Chicago Tribune to explain to me why I should care about a dull league that is stuck in 1955. I care more about Loyola's chances to get into the NIT than Northwestern's mediocre record and their chance to get into the NIT.

In case I didn't say this already, Mike Davis is NOT the worst coach in the Big 10. That honor belongs to Bill Carmody of Northwestern. He makes Davis look like Jim Boeheim of Syracuse or Jim Calhoun of UConn.

I don't love the Big East or ACC, but the fact is that their elite teams are more fun to watch than the Big 10 teams. I respect Tom Izzo of Michigan State and last year's Illini team, but that's about it for the Big 10.

While I am ranting, let me say that the Pac-10 should not get more bids than the Missouri Valley (aka the Valley). Only UCLA and Washington deserve bids from the Pac-10 though I predict that either USC or Arizona will snare one bid on reputation.

Creighton, Southern Illinois, UNI (Northern Iowa) and Wichita State are good and one of these teams will reach the Sweet 16.

Good day.



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