noticed something
The thing I have noticed about this blog is that only politics and religious stuff excites people, that is nice, however, I like movies and sports among other things.
Monday night a friend of mine and I watched The Bourne Ultimatum, with Matt Damon, David Strathairn (Good Night and Good Luck) and Julia Stiles. It was good, despite the fact that I knew that Bourne wouldn't be captured. Julia Stiles looked like she was 15-18 instead of an adult, maybe it's just me.
Anyway check it out, it's a good movie, no "shmutz" scantily clad women, love scenes, etc.
To Chicago Cubs fans, how much do you really like the idea of not having a DH and having starters only pitch six innings? It is very mystifying why more AL fans don't get up in arms over the DH issue. I grew up with the DH in Seattle and think it's good. It allows pitchers to pitch instead of worrying about hitting and being lifted after 6 innings for a mediocre pinch-hitter.
Monday night a friend of mine and I watched The Bourne Ultimatum, with Matt Damon, David Strathairn (Good Night and Good Luck) and Julia Stiles. It was good, despite the fact that I knew that Bourne wouldn't be captured. Julia Stiles looked like she was 15-18 instead of an adult, maybe it's just me.
Anyway check it out, it's a good movie, no "shmutz" scantily clad women, love scenes, etc.
To Chicago Cubs fans, how much do you really like the idea of not having a DH and having starters only pitch six innings? It is very mystifying why more AL fans don't get up in arms over the DH issue. I grew up with the DH in Seattle and think it's good. It allows pitchers to pitch instead of worrying about hitting and being lifted after 6 innings for a mediocre pinch-hitter.
Wasn't the hand-to-hand fighting awesome?
Don't know what hand-to-hand fighting you're talking about.
In any event I am sure it was fun.
Cubs are in first place.
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